CTA false alerts
Due to the nature of radar technology, there may be certain instances when the BLIS will alert with no object present when backing up. This is known as a false alert. Some level of false alerts are normal.
Circumstances that may cause a false alert when backing up are backing out of a garage, backing into a parking space, and objects very close to the sensor. False alerts are temporary and self correct.
See also:
Sounding a panic alarm
Press to activate the alarm.
Press again or turn the ignition to on to
Note: The panic alarm will only operate when the ignition is off. ...
Cross traffic alert (CTA) system operation
The CTA system warns the driver of approaching vehicles when R
(Reverse) is selected and the vehicle is backing out of a front-in parking
spot. It sounds a series of tones and flashes the BLIS ind ...
Coolant refill capacity
To find out how much fluid your vehicle’s cooling system can hold, refer
to Maintenance product specifications and capacities in this chapter.
Fill your engine coolant reservoir as outlined previ ...