Vehicle identification number (VIN)
The vehicle identification number is located on the driver side instrument panel.
Please note that in the graphic, XXXX is representative of your vehicle identification number.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) contains the following information:
1. World manufacturer identifier
2. Brake system / Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating (GVWR) / Restraint
Devices and their location
3. Make, vehicle line, series, body
4. Engine type
5. Check digit
6. Model year
7. Assembly plant
8. Production sequence number
See also:
Blind spot mirrors (if equipped)
Blind spot mirrors have an integrated convex spotter mirror built into
the upper outboard corner of the outside mirrors. They are designed to
assist the driver by increasing visibility along the s ...
Pull toward you slightly to activate
and release to deactivate. ...
Adaptive cruise control
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utilize the forward-looking radar system. With a range up to 600 feet, ACC
monitors and adjusts the speed of the Lincoln M ...